Episode 14: Tim Jessell, Falconry & Art


Episode 14: Tim Jessell, Falconry and Art

Tim Jessell, the popular Oklahoma based falconer & illustrator behind Marshall Radio's larger than life new mural, joins us for this episode of the Falconry Told Podcast. Hosted by Israel Matson, this episode takes a look at Tim’s falconry beginnings, as well as how falconry has inspired and shaped his career as an illustrator. There’s something about falconry that inspires so many falconers to pick up a pencil and draw, sculpt beautiful sculptures, and so many other artistic mediums of expressing, that it caught Tim’s attention early on in his career, and as we explore this topic, we learn more about the magic of falconry.

Be sure to visit timjessell.com and thanks again to marshallradio.com for bringing this episode together!