Episode 35: Hub Quade, Natural Falconry
Hub Quade. You’ve heard the name, you’ve seen the world-class sculptures, you’ve heard the legends of what passage prairies, peregrines, and gyrfalcons are capable of, now with the Falconry Told Podcast, you get to know the man himself! I titled this episode, “Natural Falconry” though I don’t provide a definition for this term… It’s just the way I began to describe my experience out hawking with Hub Quade with Steve Chindgren and Bjorn Eilers in Wyoming. I dare say, and believe those who know them would back me up, that Hub is known for his desire for things to be as natural as possible. His artwork looks natural. While he’s flown them in the past, he doesn’t feel hybrids are natural. He likes to hunt natural quarry in their natural habitat, with their natural predators. It’s all very organic, as a falconer, artist, and outdoorsman, he seems to hunger for that connection to nature… to the circle of life, to the wild—that we as falconers can all relate to.
Enjoy the following images from my time spent with Hub in Wyoming hunting Sage Grouse with passage Prairie Falcons and Peregrines! Following these images is a gallery provided by Hub, showing some of his work and hawking!
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The following gallery has been provided courtesy of Hub Quade!

The “accordian backed” hood Steve Tait made for his future gyrkin, but donated to the Falconry Told Giveaway!