Episode 43: Gary Boberg, California Longwinger
If you know Gary, you know how he wants the spotlight anywhere but on him… But with such a wide-ranging reputation, it was only a matter of time before we would catch him on his trips to Wyoming to hawk Sage Grouse. Between hawking, working his Setter “Hope”, fishing for trout, arrowhead hunting, or competing with Steve at a thousand games of cornhole, pinning him down was no small task. Boberg is widely known, and loved. Decades of hard hawking alongside his California peers and his positive, genuine personality have made him a staple of West Coast falconry friendships. In this episode, we get to know Gary’s story… A lot of you will know many of the names he drops. We experience California as it once was, through Cooper’s Hawk hunting exploits and the golden age of duck hawking in the state, as we follow Gary’s illustrious falconry journey from boyhood to his latest endeavors with eagles and chasing the pinnacle moments of grouse hawking.