Mark Hurd with his miracle rehab Golden Eagle
Golden Eagle falconry in the United States faces its greatest challenges yet, and the future of our partnership hangs in the balance.
These challenges take the form of a stifling array of regulatory, bureaucratic rules determining how falconers can acquire Golden Eagles for the purpose of falconry. Most of the laws and regulations governing Golden Eagle falconry in the US are not based on sound scientific research; nor frankly, even the best interest of the species. As things now stand, acquiring healthy Golden Eagles for falconry is nearly an impossibility, and sourcing rehabilitated eagles able to successfully fly game is no small feat, not to mention the litmus test of hoops to jump in order to even do this.
Today the Falconry Told team, myself (Israel), Zane Muhlestein, and Montana joined Mark Hurd to watch him fly his female Golden Eagle on white-tailed Jack Rabbits in Wyoming. As any who has possessed the privilege of encountering the “Prairie Dragon” in live action well knows, it’s a life-altering experience. But Mark is troubled.
He defied top veterinarians’ and rehabbers’ dire predictions for the rehabilitated eagle he nursed through the fatal respiratory illness aspergillosis, a painstaking process that took 11 months. Countless hours, forces joined with expert scientists, vast amounts of money, and his undying passion for Goldens resulted in the hunt we shared today, featuring a healthy eagle flying free. His passion as a falconer preserved the life of a majestic Golden Eagle.
Falconers care the most for raptors. Period.
Falconers want what’s best for raptors. Period.
Misguided or misunderstanding bureaucrats and regulatory officials are stripping away the ability for Mark to hunt with Golden Eagles, as well as the dream of so many others to someday have the chance to do so.
Now there’s a concerted effort to fight back!
Wyoming Eagle Falconry Initiative*
“The International Eagle Austringers Association (IEAA) Board is funding a concerted effort to reestablish falconers' access to immature Golden Eagles in Wyoming. We plan to financially support a small group of falconers/scientists to be on the ground in Wyoming during the 2019 lambing season to document Golden Eagle predation. These falconers and/or scientists would live near the lambing grounds and work directly with ranchers in order to; witness lamb predation, have USDA on site to confirm, and secure a USDA Form 37 documenting eagle depredation. While the IEAA is planning to take the lead on this, we are hoping for matching funds from NAFA, other falconry groups, and from the eagle falconry community to fund and possibly expand this program. There is a desire to have the depredation documented in a scientific manner and to potentially publish the results. We are focused on Wyoming because of the State's extensive history with eagle falconry, the State's proven willingness to give falconers access, and the presence of key Wyoming ranchers expressing an interest to participate. It is currently proposed for at least two, and hopefully more, $500 grants to falconers and/or scientists who are willing to do this for a ten day period. The IEAA Board has committed $1000 for this. We plan to ask Western State falconry groups to pitch in and we are confident some individual IEAA members will pitch in. We are establishing this "Go Fund Me" project to solicit help from falconers throughout the World. We hope that everyone who reads this request will be inspired to help by giving to this effort during this Holiday Season. Your financial help with this effort will go along ways to ensuring there is a future for Golden Eagle falconry in the United States. There are fewer than 100 eagle falconers in the United States. While we are likely the smallest group of hunters in the U.S., our gratitude for your help will be unlimited. We have a one page description of this effort that can be distributed to folks who are interested and qualified to participate in the field. Folks having an interest in being actively involved in this should contact Mike Barker or Linda Kellogg.”
*excerpt directly from the GoFundMe web-page linked below
The following link can be utilized by you as a tool to help change Golden Eagle falconry today!